1. Head of the department – Tran Hoai Duc – Master of Engineering – Email: tranhoaiduc@iuh.edu.vn
2. Lecturer, Ph.D. Candidate. Master of Engineering. Nguyen Huu Trung – Email. nguyenhuutrung@iuh.edu.vn
3. Lecturer, Ph.D. Le Van Nhieu – Email: levannhieu@iuh.edu.vn
4. Lecturer, Tran Thao Quynh Ngan – Email: tranthaoquynhngan@iuh.edu.vn
5. Lecturer, Master of Engineering. Cao Thanh Nhan – Email: caothanhnhan@iuh.edu.vn
6. Lecturer, Master of Engineering. Truong Van Minh – Email: truongvanminh@iuh.edu.vn
7. Lecturer, Master of Engineering. Pham Van Hung – Email: pvhung@iuh.edu.vn
8. Lecturer, Master of Engineering. Vo Thanh Huong – Email: vothanhhuong@iuh.edu.vn
9. Lecturer, Nguyen Minh Tien – Email: nguyenminhtienb@iuh.edu.vn