Laboratory of Petroleum Products Analysis, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, IUH is equipped with modern analysis equipments in petrochemicals field. The analysis methods are based on the ASTM standards. The function of the lab are for teaching and researching of IUH students and lecturers.
In this lab, the quality petroleum products such as gasoline, kerosene, aircraft fuel, DO, grease, bitumen, renewable fuels can be accessed through the specific indicators according to TCVN and ASTM standards.
Equipments were purchased from Petrotest (Germany), Koehler, Brookfield (USA), Tamson (Holand), Normalab (Belgium) and self designed, assembled by IUH lecturers, students.
List of purchased equipments:
Figure 1. Smoke Point Lamp
Figure 2. Cloud and Pour Point Bath
Figure 3. Petroleum Vacuum Distillation Apparatus
Figure 4. Petroleum Distillation Apparatus
Figure 5. Automatic Penetration Meter
Figure 6. Flash Point COC (Cleveland Open Cup)
Figure 7. Portable Cetane Tester
Figure 8. Kinematic Viscosity Bath
Figure 9. Dropping Point Apparatus
Figure 10. Closed Cup Flash Point Tester
Figure 11. Density meter
Figure 12. Cloud and Pour Point Bath
Figure 13. Copper Corrosion Test Bath
Figure 14. Aniline Point Tester
Figure 15. Saybolt Wax Chromometer
Figure 16. Mechanical Impurity Tester
Figure 17. Water Separability of Petroleum Oils and Synthetic Fluids Tester
List of piloting experimental models designed and assembled by IUH lectures and students (Placed in F0.7):
Figure 18. Gas sweetening pilot system
Figure 19. Asmospheric distillation apparatus
Figure 20. Lubricant mixing apparatus
Figure 21. Copper Corrosion Test Bath