117_Inorganic chemistry laboratory_Syllabus Course
  1. Course name: Inorganic chemistry laboratory
  2. Course Code:2104117
  3. Semester credit: 2 (0,4,4)
  4. Degree: Second year student
  5. Course hours

Class                                             0 hours

Laboratory                                    60 hour

Home study                                  60 hours

  1. Prerequisite: Inorganic chemistry 2104065(a)
  2. Course Objectives

Training: practical skill, skill of operation, ability of observation and explanation phenomenal chemistry in inorganic chemistry. To help student understand thoroughly the properties of simple and compound of the elements in periodic table, to be basic knowledge for specialized modules.

  1. Course Description

The course will serve as an introduction to the synthesis and characterization of basic simple and compound in inorganic chemistry.

  1. Student duty:

Class attandance, assay, examine acording tothe regulation No. 43/2007-QĐ-BGD&ĐT date 15/08/2007 of MOET, regulation No 235/QĐ-ĐHCN-ĐT date 30/08/2007 of IUH.

  1. Course material:


Giáo trình thực hành hóa vô cơ, Khoa công nghệ hóa học, ĐHCN Tp HCM, 2013


Tibor Pasinszkin, Inorganic chemistry Laboratory. Budapest University of technology and economics, 2002.

  1. Grades:
  • Class Participation: 100%
  • Midterm: usual test 60% and report laboratory 40%
  • Final term
  1. Grade Rule: Follow the credit regulation
  2. Course Outline:


No. Main Contents   Credit Hours Note
Class Lab Home study
1 Introduction and check-in 5 5 5
2 Unit 1: Hydrogen and The Group IB, IIB Elements 5 5 5
3 Unit 2: The Group VIIA Elements 5 5 5
4 Unit 3:  The Group VIA Elements 5 5 5
5 Unit 4: The Group VA Elements 5 5 5
6 Unit 5: The Group IVA Elements 5 5 5
7 Unit 6: The Group IA, IIA, IIA Elements 5 5 5
8 Unit 7: The Group VIB Elements 5 5 5
9 Unit 8: The Group VIIB Elements 5 5 5
10 Unit 9: The Group VIIIB Elements 5 5 5
11 Unit 10: The synthesis of potassium alum from bauxite ore. 5 5 5
12 Final exam and check-out 5 5 5
Total 60 60 60


Unit 1 : Hydrogen and The Group IB, IIB Elements

1.1. Synthesis and characterization of hydrogen

1.2. Synthesis of hydrogen from aluminium  and 0.1N solution  of sodium hydroxide

1.3. Comparing activation of atomic hydrogen with molecular hydrogen

1.4. Comparing reduction of iron with copper

1.5. Synthesis and characterization of Cu(OH)2

1.6. Reaction of zinc with dilute solution of sulfuric acid

1.7. Synthesis and characterization of Zn(OH)2

1.8. Reaction of cationicCu2+with KI

1.9. Synthesis of [Cu(NH3)4]SO4complex

1.10. Characterization of Zn2+, Cd2+, Hg2+

Unit 2: The Group VIIA Elements

2.1. Comparing activation of halogen group

2.2. Equilibrium shift iodine solution

2.3. Indicator of anionic halogen

2.4. Reaction of iodine with metal

2.5. Iodine and starch

2.6. Solubility of crystalline iodine in water

2.7. Reaction of hydrochloric acid with oxidant

Unit 3:  The Group VIA Elements

3.1. Reaction of H2O2withIron (II) sunphate

3.2. Synthesis and oxidative characterization of hydroperoxide

3.3. Reaction of sulfur with concentrated nitric acid

3.4. Reaction of hydroperoxide with KMnO4 solution

3.5. Synthesis of oxygen

3.6. Characterization of oxygen

3.7. Characterization of Na2S2O3

Unit 4: The Group VA Elements

4.1. Synthesis of Na2HPO4.12H2O

4.2. Synthesis of NH3gas and NH4Cl

4.3. Synthesis of NH3solution.

4.4. Characterization of nitric salt

4.5. Equilibrium shiftamoniac solution

4.6. Reaction of HNO3 with Cu

4.7. Characterization of NH4Cl

4.8. Thermal decomposition of amonium sunphate ((NH4)2SO4)

Unit 5: The Group IVA Elements

5.1. Synthesis and characterization of active charcoal

5.2. Reaction of C with CuO

5.3. Reaction of C with concentrated HNO3

5.4. Adsorptive capacity of active charcoal

5.5. Adsorption of active charcoal for cationic Pb2+

5.6. Reaction of C with concentrated H2SO4

5.7. Synthesis of molten glass (Na2O.xSiO2)

5.8. Hydrolysis of sodium silicate

5.9. Hydrolysis of glass – Na2O.CaO.6SiO2


Unit 6: The Group IA, IIA, IIA Elements

6.1. Characterization of Na2O2

6.2. Calcium sulfate and barium sulfate

6.3. Reaction of Mgwith acids (HCl-H2SO4-HNO3)

6.4. Characterization of Mg

6.5. Characterization ofMg(OH)2

6.6. Characterization of Al

6.7. Reaction of Al with HgCl2 and oxygen in air

6.8. Characterization of Al(OH)3

Unit 7: The Group VIB Elements

7.1. Synthesis of chrome alum (Cr2(SO4)3.K2SO4.24H2O).

7.2. Characterization of Cr(III).

7.3. Equilibrium shift Potassium dichromate solution.

7.5. Synthesis and characterization of Cr(OH)3

7.6. Oxidation characterization of Cr(IV) compound

7.7. Slightly water-soluble Chromium salt.

7.8. Synthesis and characterization of Cr2O3

Unit 8: The Group VIIB Elements

8.1. Characterization of Mn(OH)2

8.2. Characterization of Mn(II) salt solution.

8.3. Synthesis of KMnO4 .

8.4. Thermal deposition of KMnO4

8.5. Characterization of KMnO4 solution.

8.6. Characterization of K2MnO4 solution.

Unit 9: The Group VIIIB Elements

9.1. Characterization of Fe

9.2. Synthesis and characterization of Fe(OH)3

9.3. Characterization of Fe(III) salt

9.4. Synthesis and characterization of Fe(OH)2

9.5. Synthesis and characterization of mohr salt (NH4)2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O)

9.6. Characterization of Fe(II) salt

9.7. Characterization of Cobalt salt

9.8. Characterization of CoCl2

Unit 10: The synthesis of potassium alum from bauxite ore.

10.1. Purpose

10.2. Principle

10.3. Equipments and reagents

10.4. Procedure section

10.5. Laboratory reports
