The international Symposium on Chemical engineering major; FCF- Schedule: 14/09/2023, time: 1.30 to 3.00 PM-Location; NC3
Dear All Professors, Students, and Graduate students.
On behalf of my dean of chemical engineering, we would like to invite you participate our international symposium in chemical engineering will be organized by Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FCE).
Time: 1.30 to 3.00 PM, on 14th September 2023; Location: NC3
Speaker: Professor. Sumaiya Zainal – Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Title 1: Improving Gas Production: Creating Efficient Catalysts for Methane Reforming Using Needleless Electrospinning
Title 2: Elevating Your Research Profile: Tools and Tactics for Increasing Researcher Visibility
Best regard.
Vice dean of FCE
Associate Prof. Dr, Minh An